I must admit, I churned out the previous post in haste, the minute I read the e-mail from Stephen Leavitt of Webads. I so badly wanted to be on that NBN flight for so many reasons. And I thank SuperRaizy for immediatedly responding and nominating me.
Since I wrote that post I've read several nominations including West Bank Mama for Soccer Dad, RutiMizrachi for Bat Aliyah, and SerandEz for Bad4Shidduchim. And I think all of them deserve to go for the reasons given--plus, I just like the way the way they write. (Funny. None of these bloggers are on my blogroll--not because I don't read them. I do. Just not regularly and I don't comment. There are so many of us in the Jewish Blogosphere that I find it impossible to get to everyone, all the time.)
Speaking of my blogroll, I think (almost) all of those bloggers should go; some of the examples:
Gila should go because she was/is a Victim of Terror (how do I put that darn copyright symbol in anyway?) She's her own person, with strong views and opinions that may not always necessarily be PC but are honestly expressed.
Mom should go because, well, she just takes such good care of all us, and her advice is so sensible. Plus she's been living here for years, and if I recall correctly, her first few months in Israel were very difficult; I think the NBN experience would be a bit of "tikkun" for that.
Ruti should be picked because her emunah and passion about living here are so inspiring to me. If I could, I would meet her for coffee every week to get a personal dose of that. Since I can't, I settle for her beautifully written blog, but I'm looking forward to seeing her at the convention and we'll set a date then, okay Ruti?
SuperRaizy, and Leora and Ilana-Davita should be on that flight because, well, mostly because I feel like they have become friends. And their blogs are witty, and entertaining and intelligent and informative, and they all love their people and their land with a passion. But mostly because I want to meet them in person.
I'd love to nominate all of you and so many more, but time limits me so please forgive me; I'm just going to nominate one blogger.
My first thought when I saw the original e-mail was to nominate Ezzie of SerandEz. He just seems like such an intelligent guy with a good head on his shoulders. His blog is prolific and varied. I also feel like maybe, maybe, maybe he is thinking about Aliyah (maybe--don't think he's ever said so outright, just a feeling I have and I could be totally wrong) and if he is, well the NBN thing could have an impact. But then, I realized he probably couldn't take the time off because he just started a new job. (I'm thinking maybe I know way to much about people because of these blogs.) And he himself has said on his blog that he couldn't be at the convention due to a wedding. So, Ezzie, hopefully next year the timing will be better.
And so (drumroll, please) I give my official nomination to Jack. Because I love that he voluntarily manages of Haveil Havalim every week. He doesn't have to do this, but he sees something important in the Jewish Blogosphere, as do I. I think having Jack travel to Israel on the NBN flight would be an excellent way of acknowledging the work he does.
By the way, since the winner is going to be announced on or after September 3rd, Israeli bloggers would likely have to leave on a Saturday night flight, arrive in NY Sunday morning and then come right back with the flight on Monday morning. Wouldn't even have to bring a change of clothing.
That's crazy, but if I won, all my passports are ready and waiting.
(And I promise, the camping posts are coming!)
Thank you. I very much appreciate it. You are right, there are so many bloggers who are deserving.
I sometimes miss the days when the JBlogosphere was smaller and easier to feel like you knew everyone.
It is great now too, but much harder to manage. But that is ok, it is better this way.
Thanks for the mention, next to two of my favorite bloggers. I'd love to meet you in person too.
Baila, you are one of the reasons I look forward to the JBloggers' Convention each year. Even if you aren't a real person. :-D See you soon, CyberPal!
Aww, you made my day.
So, I just noticed that not only did you not nominate me, you don't even have me on your blogroll.
Not that I'm insulted or anything....
Sigh. I'd hoped that I wouldn't offend any bloggers by only mentioning some. Rivka, are you Bat Aliyah fame? I tried to get to you but blogger said you weren't open to the public. Send me a link!
Nope, that's not her. She's Rivkah with an "h." Hmmmm... Rivkah with an "h," RivkA with an "A," -- there's a song here somewhere...
Oh, thank you. The thought of traveling back and forth to Israel next week sounds exhausting to me, but I would love to meet you in person!
I considered nominating Ilana-Davita - I would LOVE to give her the opportunity to visit Israel, but the nomination requires the person be either in the U.S. or Israel.
Good luck to you in this process!
Good luck B we are rooting for ya!!
Thank you so much. :)
We are thinking about/planning on Aliyah, albeit not for a few more years. Almost all of my extended (but not direct) family lives in Israel, and Serach's sister made aliyah a few years ago as well. (In fact, wherever you live, you probably know people who know my family. :) )
Too bad this wedding was the Sunday of the convention, or it would have been fantastic. (Also the new job plays a role, though my boss is the best boss in the world and would likely have been fine with it.)
Again, thanks so much and I'm flattered! As I noted in my post, if they're going to send an Israeli, I think you'd be a fantastic choice as well!
Can you take suitcases back? I have books and magazines ready for you.
You said it all so well. Jack is a good choice, as are all the others. I nominated Soccer Dad. I think today's jbloggers are pretty unaware of all he did for jblogging by establishing Havel Havelim, and luckily Jack took it over.
I really do agree with your post.
You didn't mention my personal favorite (after YOU, of course)- Soldiers' Mother
Rivka is me (no "h") -- I must have commented from a different account.....
:-} (sheepish grin)
I am very "medakdek" about your A! And you ARE on my blogroll! And you totally deserve to go!
Consider yourself nominated.
Jack would have been a good one indeed. He could have brought us both some chumus.
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