I have noone to blame but myself. After all,
Batya did ask me to host way-back-when at the
First Jewish Blogger's Convention. At the time, I said sure, thinking "November? NOVEMBER? I've got plenty of time to deal with that." And then she sent me a polite e-mail asking me what day I would put up the carnival. I chose November 23, still a month away.
Then the submissions started coming in. I put them in a "KCC" folder without even a glance.
And here it is November 22, 10:55 PM and I'm about to start putting this carnival together. Will it be an all-nighter? Probably. But as I said, I have noone to blame but myself.
So here goes. I hope it's coherent.
Did you know we're at the midpoint between Sukkot and Chanukah? Risa noticed, and has a
special way to mark the occasion.
Coming to Israel? Confused about kashrut over here? Have no fear, Ben-Yehudah explains it in
Esser Agaroth: Kashruth Certification Guide posted at
Esser Agaroth. (Of course, you may want to consult your own Rabbi as well.)
You think all there is to eat in Israel is falafel or shwarma? Not quite. Ahuva Goldstand presents
The top five Jerusalem foods you've never eaten - Jerusalem Metro Blog - Jerusalemite.net posted at
Jerusalemite blog.
Lady-Light tells us about
Soup posted at
Tikkun Olam. Soup, to her, is not just an "every day meal." It is warmth, it is home, it is FAMILY!

Speaking of soup, Elisson is
Blog d'Elisson.
Well, by now we all know that Batya's husband won the waffle maker at the convention. Finally we get to see it in use
over here. She gives us a recipe
Growing up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn the New York City Marathon was a big deal because the runners would burst through our neighborhood as they sprinted down Bedford Avenue. Everyone would be out to cheer them on and hand them orange slices and cups of water. Here is some advice on
keeping kosher if you are a marathon runner. (I doubt that's something I'll ever have to worry about).
Frum Satire ate his way through Kosherfest 2008. Stephen reports on this in
KosherFest 2008 - COR (14159265),
KosherFest 2008 - Shannon Road and
KosherFest 2008 - Get HEALTHY AMERICA posted at
Phyllis tells us about a unique restaurant in
Closed on Shabbat....not just my blog! posted at
Ima on (and off) the Bima: Jewish Parenting & Living from a MamaRabbi.
What would I do without
Mom? It's never to early to start planning
next year's menu. And if you want to use your microwave for more than just heating food up, Mom tells you how
here and
What's the difference between
eating lunch and doing lunch? Batya tells us!
Fiona King presents
100 Must-Have Sites for Vegans, Vegetarians and Locavores posted at
Culinary School Guide.
Isn't that a gorgeous picture? Leora presents
Mabul Cake posted at
Here in HP.
My friend Ilana-Davita gives us
tomatoes and scones. I've tried some of Ilana-Davita's recipes before; she is a great cook!
Batya does something shocking. Check it out

Ahuva introduces us to the man behind the famed
Jerusalem Marzipan Rugalech. I actually just saw the guy taking out a tray of rugalech when I was at the shuk in Jerusalem last week.

Check out this
chicken recipe that was inspired by a chef writing in an Israeli newspaper. I paired it with
Ilana-Davita's lemon stuffing, and they couldn't get enough!
I guess it's not going to be an all-nighter after all. Before I leave I want to introduce you to two great Jewish foodie blogs. Both have beautiful pictures, recipes and all kinds of advice when it comes to food. I found the first,
the Jew and the Carrot through my friend CK, and the second,
Israeli Kitchen, through the aforementioned
Thank you to
Batya for founding and managing the Kosher Cooking Carnivals. Thank you to my
long-standing computer/internet for dummies teacher for teaching me how to upload a picture from one to blog to another.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival using our
carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Two more things: spell check is not working on Blogger, so feel free to comment with spelling corrections. And, happy birthday to my brother, who probably is not reading this.
12:58 AM. Now that wasn't bad at all.
G'night, and happy Thanksgiving to all!