This is what General Moshe Dayan had to say at the time:
This morning, the Israel Defense Forces liberated Jerusalem. We have united Jerusalem, the divided capital of Israel. We have returned to the holiest of our holy places, never to part from it again. To our Arab neighbors we extend, also at this hour—and with added emphasis at this hour—our hand in peace. And to our Christian and Muslim fellow citizens, we solemnly promise full religious freedom and rights. We did not come to Jerusalem for the sake of other peoples' holy places, and not to interfere with the adherents of other faiths, but in order to safeguard its entirety, and to live there together with others, in unity.
When the Old City of Jerusalem was in Jordanian hands, our people were denied access to the holiest of our sites. In fact, many Jewish sites were destroyed. Still, we invited people of all faiths to come to Jerusalem to pray. And those people still come in droves.
Today and tomorrow Israel's Eternal Capital will celebrate her re-unification. There will be dancing and singing and the Kotel will be teeming. It's a remarkable time to be in this great city.
Happy Jerusalem Day!
It's a remarkable time to be in this great city.\
Well said.
Happy Yom Yerushalayim to you!
Enjoy the day! Wish I could be there celebrating with you. Next year.
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