The latest news is that commandos have stormed the Chabad House and after hours of fighting, have secured the building. There are reports of five dead hostages, and I am praying that this is misinformation. I don't know if I will find out before Shabbat starts, but I continue to hope and pray for the safe return of the hostages.
In the meantime, I have read that India has said it will not negotiate with terrorists. India will not negotiate with terrorists.
May Shabbat bring us the peace we yearn for.
Have a Shabbat Shalom, Baila. I'm afraid you will turn on the news on Saturday nite to bad news... doesn't sound good now.
I'm off to keep cooking, gotta stop obsessively checking Twitter updates.
Hi, Friend. It's Motza"sh. Reaching out a virtual hand, to hold yours.
Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
Shavua yoter tov.
Got any time of a Sunday for that cup of joe? My schedule seems to have settled down.
Sigh. Before Shabbat, we kind of knew how this had ended, but didn't have comfirmation.
Ruti, I can't find your e-mail. I can't meet you on Sunday, but let's find a time!
"... India will not negotiate with terrorists...."
If the British HAD "negotiated with terrorists" in 1947, the two British serjeants would have been spared, as would the Etzel/Lehi fighters.
If Kastner had not "negotiated" more Hungarian Jews would have died.
What about Schindler?
Is it permissible to talk with the devil?
But in this tragic case, nothing would have helped.
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