Well, this Shabbat was not as eventful as our last Shabbat
was, but it did have a significant milestone: it was the first time we had people over for lunch. Actually, Liat had invited two friends from camp who are here for the year and I thought that since I was cooking for two extra, I might as well cook for 11 more....!....Of course, except for the cooking, I'm a very lazy hostess and did not think through the fact that we needed 18 chairs, and at the last minute I had to scrounge around for paper goods and plastic silverware since no way in hell I was going to wash all those dishes. In the end, everything worked out. The food was good, and the company even better. My friend brought her two week old baby, who is delicious and it was a noisy, hectic and fun afternoon. It is so great having a park right downstairs, the kids spent alot of time there. If anyone wants my corn salad recipe or the recipe for mukmara, let me know. They were a hit! The okra, not so much.
For those of you who have been asking about Isaac's job search: it's moving along. He always seems to find more leads and contacts, and one of these days, something will come through. Oddly enough, I'm not feeling nervous about this. I really believe that something good will come soon, Be'ezrat Hashem. But I'll keep you posted, and anyone with contacts in the hi-tech industry, feel free to drop me a line (I just posted my e-mail to the right of the page, on the top).
And now for some more pictures:

This is Ozzy after he just came back from a run in the park. He got his two toys and plopped down next to them. Come on, altogether now: AWWWWWW....
Now, check out the size of this mango:

I know, it's freakin' HUGE! It reminds me of when the meraglim brought back the fruit from Eretz Yisrael and had to carry the grapes on poles because they were so big. I mean, I know mangoes are not one of the shiva minim, but still. If you're not so impressed, I took a comparison picture with a regular-sized apple:

I'm telling you this mango could feed a whole platoon! Now I don't care for mangoes, so I did not eat this particular fruit, but Isaac and the kids said it was yummy....
Tomorrow for ulpan (I made level Gimmel!) I have to give a speech (in Hebrew, duh) on any topic. I chose the topic of "My Modiin" (City of the future, city of my future). I'll let you know how it turns out...
Oh, and one more thing: As I was cleaning out my wallet I found a gift card from Target for $13.00. First person to visit me gets it (but you have to ask for it, or I won't remember...)
Shavua Tov...
my mouth was watering over that mango. over here it would probably cost $4. good luck with your speech or should i say hatlacha rabah (is that correct?)
SZ--definitely not 4.00 here! But food in general does cost almost as much as it does in the states. but everytime i think something like fruit or chicken is so expensive, i remember that over here they are charging per kilogram, which is the equivalent of 2.2 lbs....so essentially its about the same, or less....
you are the best for keeping on reading and commenting on my blog....
I hope I get to claim the target gift card first!! (November...)
since you brought up gift cardswhat happened to the red door gift card? Is that up for grabs as well?
Um, if my memory serves me correctly, I was the first to visit you. I think I should get the Target card. I hear they may open a Target at Azrielli (yeah, right). BTW, I loved the Okra!
what red door gift card are you talking about, anon??? Did I forget another gift card?
didn't you get one last year from your work friends, maybe I am having a senior moment again....... or maybe you are.
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