Haveil Havalim is a blog carnival, linking you to the best, or at least the most recent posts of the Jewish and Israeli blogosphere. Jack is our fearless leader and somehow finds time to manage and organize it. I for one am very appreciative of this.
It's my second time hosting this blog carnival. I picked this week to do it because I am on Sukkot vacation and figured I would have enough time to dedicate to it. Last time I hosted, I literally pulled an all-nighter getting it done. This time, the kids are all away on overnights; I'm having a little preview of the Empty-Nest-Syndrome, and to my surprise, I'm not liking it so much. The kids (all three of them!!!) came back from their various sleepovers and that great Bnei Akiva Masaa (in which they hike for hours, pee in the woods, sleep in the great outdoors, get chewed alive by mosquitos and in general have a blast) happy. And when they're happy, I'm happy. I myself had fun at a certain concert and am looking forward to a family trip here on Sunday.
Just a note: I received many submissions, which is great. I pretty much included every submission, without bothering to count to see if anyone went over the limit. I do have to say that the views expressed by the various bloggers are not necessarily my views. A good portion of the submissions were about non-controversial subjects like the holidays, which is fine by me. Also, note that Blogger's spell check doesn't seem to be working, so please cut me some slack on any spelling errors.
So without further ado, I present The Sukkot 5769 Edition of Haveil Havalim:
Jewish Holidays:
The Velveteen Rabbi muses about her first student pulpit for Yom Kippur in My first Yom Kippur posted at Velveteen Rabbi.
Watch some Sukkot being built here and here. (Okay, that's Leora's and mine. Where's your Sukkah?) Maybe next year I'll host a J-bloggers Sukkah competition. Someone remind me, okay?
Here's a blogger's comment about her submission:
Really the category should be Jewish Holidays, to be more specific. It's the holiday culture (you know what I'm talking about: we cook, pray, eat, sleep and get up and do it all over again. Unless we're in Israel. Then we do it only once, at the beginning...and then the end!)
Are you listening, Jack?
Anyhoo, that blogger has a yummy holiday menu. Read it, copy it (and later, cook it and eat) in Lady-Light presents Haveil Havalim #186 and Cooking Up a Storm posted at Tikkun Olam.
We used to laugh about "Nooky in the sooky"--but we'll have none of that--this is a family carnival! But Elisson presents LOOKY, LOOKY: IT’S SOOKY posted at Blog d'Elisson.
GP presents Simple Serenity posted at Manely Montana.
You can always rely on Heshy for some holiday humor. He presents How do you shake your lulav? posted at Frum Satire | Jewish Comedy.
Uh-Oh. Have you heard? The stock market is falling [yawn]. It doesn't seem to phase Cosmic X in The Stocks Go Down and the Sukkahs Go Up posted at ****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem ******.
Batya presents Can't Kvetch-It's A Mitzvah To Be Happy posted at me-ander.
Phyllis presents The King and the Shack - Blog Action Day posted at Ima on (and off) the Bima: Jewish Parenting & Living from a MamaRabbi.
Poor RR had to cancel some plans, but at least we got some rain here in the holy land.
Do lights in the Sukkah remind you of another, decidedly un-Jewish holiday? See how West Bank Mama feels in The Old Country Casts its Shadow
See how RivkA and her family are spending their Sukkot in Succot 5769, Part I.
Ben-Yehudah presents The Price Of Lulavim In China posted at Esser Agaroth.
Ahuva Goldstand presents Don't miss the Birkat Kohanim tomorrow posted at Jerusalemite blog.
Batya Has some holiday posts in Very Impressive and Yes, Succot is a Real Holiday posted at Shiloh Musings.
Does everyone love a parade? Maybe not. This post is by Geulah Girl, presented in THE PARADE posted at ESAV EXPOSED. Also by Geulah Girl is FEAST OF TABERNACLES posted at ESAV EXPOSED.
Raizy remembers the Sukkot of her childhood in Sukkos Stories posted at SuperRaizy.
Batya had some fun on Chol HaMoed and even met up with some other famous bloggers. See who was there in Thousands At Tel Shiloh! posted at me-ander.
Mrs. S. remembers her Aliyah pre-NBN in Aliyah memories: “So, how did you ever manage during the tzena?!” posted at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress.
Benji Lovitt loves this Israeli phrase--he posts about it alot! Laugh out loud at what he has to say in An Idiot's Guide to "Yiyeh B'seder" posted at What War Zone???.
Sex and the holy city? MyRightWord treats the subject of Jerusalem brothels in 2008 and post-World War I. Yisrael Medad presents Dead Men Do Tell Tales posted at My Right Word. He also preents Left-wing Radical Vandals: They Even Abuse Dogs and More Arab "Logic"; More Arab Lying.
Check out these beautiful pictures in Oh how Jerusalem loves her parades posted at Jerusalemite blog.
Signs in Israel can be really funny. This is the first I've seen of this blogger, but I'll probably go check her out again when I need a laugh. See what I mean in A new way to do it posted at A Time of the Signs.
More Benji humor in More Great Moments in Israeli Advertising posted at What War Zone???. This guy makes Aliyah seem really funny.
Ruti Mizrachi also makes me laugh in Settler Chic.
Soccer Dad, the original king of Haveil Havalim gives us several angles on those dangerous Gaza smuggling tunnels in Would that be posha? posted at Soccer Dad.
And Daled Amos recalls the brutal murder of three Americans in Gaza in October 15th: 5th Anniversary Of Murder Of 3 Americans By Palestinian Terrorists posted at Daled Amos.
Current Events/Politics:
Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel - October 13, 2008 posted at Religion and State in Israel. Joel was the first one to submit, so he gets to win, well, nothing, but I do appreciate the early entry.
Liberal or conservative? See what Mottel has to say in Four Reasons why Liberals scare the Hell out of me posted at Letters of Thought.
Presidential elections are just around the corner. Sammy Benoit gives us his take in YID With LID: Will Obama Meet Iran's Pre-conditions and Dump Israel ? and YID With LID: Jesse Jackson- Obama Will STOP Putting ZIONISTS FIRST posted at YID With LID.
Sammy Benoit also presents Did Somali Pirate Ship Hijack A Giant Iranian Dirty Bomb? posted at YID With LID.
Batya has a tough day in Bleary Eyed posted at me-ander.
HadassahSabo conquers it in The Fear of Driving.
Like analyzing movies? See this analysis of a familiar character type in When Climbing Out the Window Just Won't Do.
Are we enmeshed if the experts say we are? This blog helps you understand your psyche. See it at Pull Versus Draw: Enmeshment posted at Everyone Needs Therapy.
Batya presents Jewish Mourning posted at Shiloh Musings.
Am I my husband's wife or do I actually have a name? I would say both. Check this article out in "... and his wife" posted at The Rebbetzin's Husband.
Gila tells us a little about her writing process in A Post That Took Me Five Hours or More to Write.
I've had this experience and it really scared me. Read about it in Attempted Burglary- A Stranger in My Backyard posted at Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?.
Robert J. Avrech remembers (all the time) in The Last Kaddish, Redux posted at Seraphic Secret.
A New Category: Jewish Hair:
I decided to group these when I realized there were several posts about the subject. Go figure.
ALN's daughter really is a giver. See her donation in Rapunzel, Rapunzel Donate Your Hair.
Jack wonders about hair, (not his own) in You're Too Old For Long Hair posted at Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?.
Bec takes the next step in Bandanas, Tichels and Shaitels, Oh My!.
Jews All Over the World:
Leora presents Jews and Iran posted at Here in HP.
Ilana-Davita presents Judaism in my Hometown posted at Ilana-Davita.
Thus concludes the Sukkot 5769 Edition of Haveil Havalim. It was my pleasure to present this to you, even though some of you spell Sukkot with a "C".
I know that Jack is always on the hunt for volunteers to host HH. It's not difficult, it just takes a bit of time. My second outing took much less time than the first. It's fun thing to do--really. If every Jewish blogger participated, we'd all have to do it like, once every twenty years...
Submit your blog article to the next edition of Haveil Havalim using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on blog carnival index page.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday!
Great job Baila. Thanks for including my post.
Thanks for the friendly link! Shana Tova!
Thanks, Baila! Sounds like you worked hard on this. Have no fear, those Sukkot will show up again in pictures in two weeks when I do JPIX. I hope it doesn't take me all night.
I find the controversy about the recent parade in Jerusalem interesting (I don't know enough to take sides, just reading).
Nice job!
Thanks for the link.
Moadim L'Simchah.
Thanks for including my submissions and thanks for hosting. ;-}
HH 187
excellent job! thanks for the link! moadim lesimcha!
Thanks for pulling those all-nighters, Baila! I look forward to perusing these links.
Moadim l'simha and Chag Sameah to all!
Yaasher Koach.
Great job, Baila. Love the bird.
Excellent. Thanks for the inclusions. Chag Sameach!
Todah rabah and mo'adim le-simcha!
Although I did write that ("...once, at the beginning...and then the end"), like Jack, I do not (yet) live in Israel (again).
Thank you for linking me.
You did a really great job. Thanks!
Don't forget to read my reply to Mottel's post (and some back and forth between he and I) here: http://mamaloshen.blogspot.com/2008/10/blog-reply-oh-man-here-we-go.html
:) Nice job!
Chag sameach, Baila!!!
Great stuff and thanks for including me! Having done one blogger carnival (badly), it's great to see one that came out so well!
Chag sameakh and looking forward to participating next time.
I just read this and saw that you included one of my posts. Thanks and kol hakavod on a great HH!
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