Paul McCartney is coming to town. He'll be playing one night only on September 25 at the Yarkon Park in Tel-Aviv. It's going to be an amazing night. Paul has been threatened with his life by certain unseemly elements of society for deciding to perform in Israel (check out what Superraizy has to say about this). But he doesn't seem to be backing down and should be arriving here in about a week.
I desperately want to seem him. I last saw him live eons ago at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. He is an amazing performer, truly an icon. And he seems like a genuinely good guy.
Tickets are 490 shekel a piece. At today's rate, that would be......[getting out my calculator].....$136.00 for one ticket. Now that's alot of shekel, certainly not in our budget, so I , unfortunately, will have to miss this great event. It will probably be the first and last time Paul performs here.
I guess I'll just have to let it be....
As much as I like Paul McCartney, I wouldn't spend that much money on a concert ticket, either unless John, George and Ringo were performing with him.
I also liked it when he used to sing in "Wings" with his late wife Linda.
(So many of my pop idols are dead. I'm oooollllddd.)
That's a lot of money! Here stars charge about $55 for a ticket.
If John, George and Ringo were performing with Paul, IN ISRAEL, I would use the house money to see them.
It really is alot of money. I know its costing the producing alot to bring here, and surely they have to make some money. I guess it's all about priorities. At a different time in my life, we might have said, let's splurge, but now we need the money for other things such as education and buying a house....
not a paul fan, (sorry!) but i've been to about fifty phish shows and if they ever charged that much for a show, i would be totally offended and not go. i'm sorry that you're missing out. those tickets are just arrogantly priced.
I've never been to anything like that. Maybe we should have a virtual concert and blog about our favorite Paul/Beatles songs, stories.
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