2. Cleaned 8 dining room chairs and the accompanying table.
3. Started making a pile of chametz things by the porch door that were going out to the shed. Cookbooks and challah board were first.
4. Designated which cabinets in the kitchen would hold our Pesach stuff.
5. Moved all the stuff out of those cabinets and stuffed them into other cabinets.
6. Cleaned butcher block island; added more stuff to chametz pile.
7. Cleaned out really annoying corner cabinets that I had to crawl into to get to get to everything. Founds tons of paper cups, napkins and assorted stuff that I keep buying new thinking I had run out.
8. Went out to the porch, emptied a plastic closet in the shed, hosed it down to clean it, left it there to dry.
9. Did I mention 4 loads of laundry? (True not a kitchen chore, but I thought you should know).
10. Cleaned the microwave. (yeah, I should do that more often).
11. Cleaned the toaster oven. Put it in the going-to-the-shed pile.
12. Put everything in the pile in the shed.
13. Swept and washed the dining room floor.
14. Moved the plastic closet into the dining area.
15. Washed, dried and put away remaining dishes.
16. Scrubbed the counters.
17. Scrubbed the sink.
18. Swept and washed the kitchen floor. (Several times; it was really gross).
19. Poured boiling water over the counters (you're right, I should have done that before I washed the floor).
20. Covered the sink with Israeli heavy duty aluminum foil. Which means it's not.
21. Shlepped the Pesach stuff (which had been placed in the family room a few days ago) into the kitchen.
22. Found a space for most of the stuff.
I started at 10 a.m. and finished at 7 p.m. (Yeah, I took some short breaks. Sue me.) When Isaac came home from work at 8:30 p.m., he said to me, "Why didn't you wait for me, we could have done it together?"
So yes, we are commanded to observe Passover for 7 days, but here at Casa Baila, we are very stringent--we're doing 11.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Pesach.

Good for you! I am getting there but will still have a few things to do on Sunday.
at least Isaac didn't walk in after you did all the work and say "but you didn't do this and this. " You know who I am. the one who is not feeling kindly towards my husband right now...
I decided to wait to do the kitchen after Shabbat- hope I dont regret that...
I am tiered thinking of everything you did yesterday!
Have a restful Shabbat
Good God! I'm exhausted just reading your list. It's a good thing that I can rest today because I have a cleaning lady doing my kitchen so I don't have to {insert evil cackle here}.
Sorry Baila, but there are advantages to being a spoiled, self-indulgent American.
(OK, The truth is that I do my own cleaning all the time. Once a year, right before Pesach, I hire someone to help for the day. So sue me.)
where were your 3 teenaged daughters while you were doing this? i hope that when you say "I" you really mean "we"!
Have a wonderful yom tov - now all you have to do is cook!
I am totally determined to clean my fridge more often. In the US my cleaning lady did it every 6-8 weeks. Here I do NOT. It was a horror show.
Wow! Now you can really rest on Shabbat knowing that you don't have all that waiting for you! Like Isreview, I decided to do the kitchen after Shabbat. Also hoping I don't regret that...
OTE- Sadly, my refrigerator only gets really cleaned once a year before Pesach.
Have a wonderful yom tov!
Wow. I am amazed and impressed and in awe. We, too, kashered Thursday night and have been celebrating Pesach ever since.
We were actually in a hotel for Shabbat with Donny's extended family - but they were already pesachdik! No last hurrah of soft squishy challah! Ahhhh!!!
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