Liat is away in America. She's having a great time there, although I'm glad to hear she misses Israel.
Tali just left for camp for two weeks, after working at a "kaytana" (day camp). Now Orli's taking a two-week stint there. Orli has loads of friends in town and is busy with them and with Bnei Akiva, her youth group.
Last year, I'd get home from work, settle in a bit and we'd be off to the beach by 3 or 4 and stay there till dark.
This year my kids don't seem to need me to take them any more. They are managing on their own, thank you very much.
It's every parent's dream, huh? But I'm finding it a bit...disconcerting. Maybe even lonely.
It's not that I don't have what to do, or have my own peers who have similar schedules; it's just that--I kind of like hanging out with my girls. (Except for shopping. That drives me nuts).
The empty nest lurks...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ORLI, WHO IS OFFICIALLY A TEENAGER TODAY!!! (Although who are we kidding, she's been behaving like one since she turned three).
The Stuff that Lasts
7 years ago