Remember the old Clifford books? My kids used to love those. Well, for the past few days we have been privileged to host my friend Ilana's dog, Monty. Monty is a playmate of Ozzy (the wonder dog) and to say the least he is....larger than life. Every Friday night, Ilana picks me up and we join our dogless friend Tammy in the park and watch the dogs completely ignore each other.
I know. You're thinking, how big can the dog be? Surely not as big as Clifford. Sigh. I wish you wouldn't doubt me. Take a look:
Now, while Ilana has been galivanting up North doing much of nothing, I've been busy taking care of her pooch. I did not ask her permission to post photographs on the blog, but Monty himself gave his okay:

When Ilana and I go walking with the dogs, we get stopped every five minutes. The reaction ranges from "Eizeh chamud" [how cute] to "OMG, that dog is freaking huge" or "Is that a bear?". Ilana takes it all in stride. It's to bad she's not single, because that dog is a real babe magnet. Meanwhile, poor Ozzy, the most beautiful dog in the world, gets totally ignored and me and him both feel like wallflowers. Sniff.
When Monty came over on Sunday, he lay on the floor ("New carpet?" asked my neighbor) for, like, 28 hours. Dogs really get depressed when their owners
And when it was bedtime, I swear, Ozzy would give one last disdainful glance at Monty as if to say, Hah. I get to sleep with them. That'll show you who's king around this place.
Tonight, Monty goes home. I'll bet he'll miss us. But he shouldn't worry. Ozzy'll be making a return visit when we go up North in two weeks.
If you think it was easy getting this shot, think again.
Taking care of some business:
Haveil Havalim is up at Frum Satire.
Mazal Tov to my friend Mazi and her husband, Eli on the marriage of their son, Etan to Tamar. I am so sad to not be participating in this special day, but am so happy for everyone. Mazi, I miss you terribly.
And, אחרון, אחרון חביב--saving the best for last: Happy birthday to Isaac. Not getting older (well, maybe a little), getting better....
Wow! He IS huge. Such a cute photo and post!
Thanks Baila - you made me smile...and smile...and smile today! (although I can only imagine what my fellow co-workers think of me, staring at my computer with this big goofy smile plastered all over my face!)
OMG Monty really is huge!!! but ozzy still owns our hearts too! he really is the most beautiful dog. happy walking.
Monty would look gigantic near my own dog but he looks very gentle.
Very cute post, Baila. Almost makes me want to run out and get a dog... not.
PLEASE remember us for dogsitting...
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