Instead of bringing you my favorite or most popular posts, I'd thought I'd turn things around a bit, and present you with my least favorite posts.
Actually, I changed my mind. I don't want to choose my least favorite posts. Their all my babies, even the bad ones [**gag**].
Instead, in honor of the occasion, I've decided to revamp my blogroll a bit, by creating a separate category for Modi'in bloggers. Of late, I've noticed there are a bunch of us and I've been poking around these blogs. One of them, Emah S. of Moving On Up has been on the blogroll for quite a while, but now I'm moving her to the new category (although Emah seems to have stopped blogging since she had her baby). All of these bloggers are olim (immigrants) like myself, but are different ages, from different places and each has their own unique perspective of what life in Modi'in is (or in the case of One Tired Ema, will be) like. I'd like to give a special mention to Aliyah-by-Accident. Her posts make me laugh out loud--we seem to have the same sense of humor. She is thinking of writing a parenting book called, "Don't bother me, I'm reading"

I'm also adding some blogs I check frequently, including Robin of Around the Island, Mrs. S. of Our Shiputzim, Hadassah of In the Pink, and A Living Nadneyda. Now I no longer have visit you guys through Leora or Ilana-Davita.
There, don't you think that's an appropriate way to celebrate this special occasion?
Thanks to everyone enquiring about my nephew and for all your thoughts and prayers. It turns out that Gavi had the dreaded Swine Flu and it lead to viral meningitis. He is getting back to himself now, and with G-d's help will be released from the hospital within a few days.
Shabbat Shalom and a great weekend to all.
Happy Blogiversary :)
Thanks for teaching us more about the Modi'in community by separating those bloggers into a little preview section. The only one I have read thus far is TriLCat.
So glad to hear Gavi is on the mends. Horrible thing, getting that sick. May he be well and go unto wonderful things.
HOLY COW.........I'm so honored and yet I feel I'm letting you down by not having posted in so long!!! I think about posting now and again but then someone wants me, needs me, calls my name, cries to be nursed, changed, or picked up, and the thought is quickly erased.'ve inspired me I think to give it a shot again. I think I was feeling like I was just talking to myself........
anyway, enough about me.......HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! And again, thanks for the push, keep your radars open, I just might start posting again.....
things that make you go hmmmm......
Happy blogiversary, and thanks for including me in such august company!
(BTW, the link to my blog on the side bar doesn't seem to work.)
I'm very glad to hear that your nephew is B"H feeling better. May he have a speedy and complete recovery, and may we all be privileged to enjoy besurot tovot, yeshu'ot and nechamot.
Happy anniversary!
I hope this doesn't post twice, but my last post didn't appear, so here I am again.
I just wanted to let you know that, although I never commented on your blog till last week, I have been reading and enjoying faithfully since you began your blog.
And if you don't mind telling me your maiden name, since we went to the same high school, I'd love to know who you are. If you'd rather remain semi-anonymous that's OK.
Thanks, Ez and Leora!
Emah S., no pressure!
Mrs. S., thanks, and I fixed the link.
Annette, maiden name was Sieskel. and I was the first graduating class of Shevach, but it became Shevach that year. Maybe you were the first class that entered in the ninth grade?
wow....i'm honored! thank you! stay tuned for a MAJOR shout-out coming your way.
Hi again- You know, it's been such a long time, I don't remember. All I know is I graduated in 1984 and they moved to the new building on Main Street when I was in 12th grade. Were you in the same class with Ruchie Neuman?
happy blogiversary! what are you doing for your aliyahneversary (is that even a word?)
glad to hear your nephew is doing well.
Happy second anniversary. I am relieved Gavi is better. Thanks for the mention of my blog.
Happy Blogiversary- time sure does fly! Glad your nephew is doing better, and it's good to hear from Emah S!
Happy blogiversary Baila. I'm so glad to hear that Gavi is doing well. Thanks for the link on your blogroll, and for all the new to me bloggers to discover too.
Robin (who REALLY should get off the darn computer and get back to packing!)
Oh, thanks for the Modiin subsection!
And the link--now more people can watch me self-destruct before I get there :)
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