Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yucking it up with Orli....

On a very long drive to Jerusalem today (will I ever NOT get lost in that city?) Orli informed me she would like to marry a man named "Schmell", and then name a daughter "Yafit",


she'd like to marry someone named "Moron" and then name a daughter "Yifat".


[***Note: When I told Orli I was going to put this on my blog, she told me she couldn't take credit for this; apparently her friends and her amuse themselves during much of the school day with this stuff.]

And check out Jameel's comment section for more discussion of amusing Israeli names.


Jameel @ The Muqata said...

I had a post about this a while back...

What to name your kids so they don't make yeirda...


Fern Chasida said...

ya know, my jerusalem cousin married a very nice guy whose named schmell. alas, her name is NOT yafit.

Baila said...


read the post, very funny. You used to get a lot of spam in the old days, huh?


There is still hope for their kids, no???

RivkA with a capital A said...

I had a math teacher in high school whose last name was Law. He used to joke that he was going to name his son Marshal.
